-1秒出泡沫,溫和潔淨, 綿密泡沫,如同雲朵般的柔軟
寵物椰油免洗清潔泡沫: 200 ml
適用: 日常的足部清潔奥護理,飯後臉部、嘴巴周邊的毛髮、
身體其他 部位的清潔與護理
保存期限: 3年
Daily cleaning and care for paws of your pet.
Moisturise while nourishing the paws. Also appropiate for the cleaning and care for the face or other body parts, especially for the hair around mouth after meals.
Amo Petric - 寵物椰油免洗清潔泡沫 200ml
HK$140.00 一般價格
椰子油、甜橙油、芍藥跟提取物、蔓荊果提取物、龍膽提取物、Natural DeoPlex植物蛋白酶、多胺基酸多糖聚合物、癸基葡糖苷、檸檬酸、甘油、水
Coconut Oil, Paeonia albiflora root extract, citric acid, Natural DeoPlex Enzymes
1. 使用前輕搖, 擠壓適量泡沫,輕輕擦拭需要清潔部位
2. 擦拭後用乾紙巾或棉帕子擦乾淨即可
* 提示:全身可用,但建議局部清洗。適用於腳掌,啼週毛髮,眼周毛髮等, 局部毛髮清洗,但不建議全身使用,會造成粘膩感
Shake well before use, pump out foam and apply directly to area for cleanse.